Well, I think every artist can relate when I say I've hit another creative roadblock. So, to keep moving forward and producing work I've decided to do another monthly challenge. The last challenge I did focused on photography, but now I will focus solely on drawing and painting. I've never done an entire drawing or painting in just a day so this really will be a challenge.
While I searched for artist challenges online I confess I really didn't like a lot of them. And some were obviously geared towards children. So, I decided to take the themes I liked from a bunch of different challenges, discard the ones I didn't like*, and create my own challenge list. Anyone who would like to join me in this monthly exercise is welcome to do so, post photographs of your work on Facebook and tag me (sorry I don't do Instagram). The challenge begins March 1st and ends on the 31st. Let the drawing/painting begin!
*Side note: I had no idea how many challenges were obsessed with drawing 'your favorite animal/pet' or 'breakfast.' I am not a big animal lover so, sorry, but I don't have a favorite and my breakfast is a pretty boring bowl of cereal every day. That's why I tweaked things and picked out the challenges I thought would be fun and interesting for me. Any suggestions for future challenges are welcome!
Artist Challenge
Day 1: literary
Day 2: fabric
Day 3: creative self-portrait
Day 4: nature
Day 5: smooth
Day 6: multiples of 3
Day 7: fire
Day 8: fluffy
Day 9: monochromatic
Day 10: orange
Day 11: in water
Day 12: illustrate your favorite quote
Day 13: up close
Day 14: curves
Day 15: portrait of a celebrity who died before 1980 (and add 3 objects that could be associated with them)
Day 16: contrast
Day 17: green
Day 18: architecture
Day 19: from the movies
Day 20: dessert
Day 21: dark
Day 22: white
Day 23: splash of color
Day 24: recreate a well-known work of art
Day 25: name that tune
Day 26: reflection
Day 27: vintage
Day 28: broad strokes
Day 29: shadows
Day 30: quick sketch
Day 31: try a new technique